Meet BQH Practitioner Ludmila Duhot

Meet BQH Practitioner Ludmila Duhot

Meet the Practitioners

Ludmila is based in Brussels, Belgium, and we, here at the hub of Quantum Healers have the great pleasure in introducing Ludmila to you,  and to speak  about how her path has led her to Quantum Healing.

What are the events that led you to become a BQH facilitator, and start doing energy work?

I have been drawn to spirituality, and doing energy work from a young age. However, the major event that led me closer to this path, and to work with other alternative methods was the death of my mother; after a long battle with cancer, shortly before my 20th birthday. I was shocked, disoriented, and I turned more towards spirituality for answers, especially towards finding a way to communicate with her. In my quest for answers, I studied Reiki, Qi-Gong, crystal therapy, tarot readings, and re-birthing, but I still felt that something was missing. I was still looking for more. I was going through severe depression that I was unaware of, with constant thoughts of suicide. Now, looking back, I can see the way the death of my mother was a catalyst for everything that was about to follow, in both in my personal and professional life, and I thank her for that.

By “chance”, I discovered the book of Michael Newton called Afterlife, and after reading some excerpts, I felt a genuine truth which resonated with my heart for the first time in a long time. One of the first chapters I read was precisely about souls who have committed suicide, and who felt the need to come back and have the same experience again. At that point I had a revelation: if I decide to exit this 3D earth plane, I will decide to come back and experience the same thing all over again. I will finish what I came here to do, and will then move and progress further”.

And thus my journey of exploring the afterlife, and other realms began. My depression slowly shifted and I found joy in my life. I was looking for other writers, who were doing the same type of work, and I came across Dolores Cannon. I will be frank, the first thought that entered my mind was: “How could this old lady know more than the others?” Well, I was about to be amazed by everything she taught me indirectly. I read all of her books, and very often I would have the feeling that I related to the experiences of her clients: I felt a genuine connection to the Essenes, to the volunteers who came to Earth and to those who felt they didn’t belong here. Later I received the explanation for this inner feeling and confirmation that this was indeed true.  

One day, a strong feeling was guiding me to become a practitioner. I was already looking into taking the online QHHT® course, when by “chance” I came across Candace-Craw Goldman  who was offering her BQH course for Beta testers. I completed the Beta course, the final BQH class, and examination; with a lot of excitement.

Since then, I have been practising in Brussels, while offering online sessions as well. I am still in awe of the beauty of this technique.


Are there any interesting events or moments during your journey that you feel are relevant to your practice?

While I was on my journey of discovering the work of Dolores Cannon, I stumbled across a channelling with her, from Pamela Aaralyn. I joined her group on social media, where I found out about the work of Candace and BQH. I can say that Dolores led me to both Pamela and Candace. Pamela’s community is of a tremendous help for me in my work as a practitioner, as it constantly brings me back to the simplicity and beauty of spiritual work. These beautiful ladies have been and continue to inspire me.

Besides that, the community of BQH practitioners is a beautiful and gentle way for me to continuously question what I do as a practitioner, and to learn from the experience of others. I am very grateful for this support group.

Can you talk about your work in International Development? Has it had an influence on your practice now?

Before beginning to practice BQH, I worked in different sectors, from national Government, to international NGO’s; in the field of International Development. Even though the “real’ working field didn’t bring me as much of a fulfilment as the spiritual practices, I constantly tried to find the bridge between both of them. I was thriving to look at my working place as a mirror which was projecting back to me the things I needed to work on. For instance, I would observe the way I was affected by an anxious boss, a nervous colleague, or a tight deadline. And as an empath I would often be  affected by the low frequency situations I was placed in. I would get distressed and overwhelmed. Nevertheless, I still look back with a lot of appreciation towards those moments because they allowed me to see the way my own programs were triggered, and also gave me the chance to meet wonderful people who became close friends.

How has your practice changed since you started?

I believe my practice continuously shifts, thanks to the supporting community of Quantum Healing Practitioners, to the work of Pamela Aaralyn, and also to the experiences of each client. This is precisely what I love about this practice, and namely that it’s in constant motion.

This work has allowed me to connect myself more to my intuition and to my own Higher Self. It is a continuous learning process, where I can let go, and let my guides in.

Through BQH, I am glad I can blend in the previously acquired skills whenever I feel the need. Although I am not replacing these techniques with BQH, I can truly state that Quantum Healing brought in a missing puzzle piece, and namely that all the answers are already within you and there is no need to look externally.

How has Quantum Healing allowed you to shift your daily life?

I appreciate the fact that the Quantum Healing technique allows us to implement the information we receive throughout our sessions in our daily life, it’s not an abstract method. For me, this meant that I had the chance to continue to communicate with my mother through a signature feeling that I received in one of my sessions, I strengthened my capacity to connect to my own inner guidance and to better understand patterns that are rising up to the surface when I get triggered.

Hypnosis allowed me to gain more confidence. Working parallel with other modalities, which I always thought were for others and not meant for me.I opened myself to automatic writing, to light language, and recently to mandala dotting infused with energy.

Lastly, is there anything else you’d like your future clients to know about you and your practice?

I can truly relate to people who are looking for life changing answers, because I was on that path for years. I would like to offer that safe space to future clients where they can connect to themselves, remember who they truly are, and continue to live their life fully empowered and in line with their true purpose.

I am looking forward to upcoming sessions, and to connecting with other practitioners or individuals with whom we can share, learn and explore.

Sending much love and light to all of you

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