true dominate color of our Being?

  • true dominate color of our Being?

    Posted by Michael Lima on 2018-02-07 at 6:37 PM

    Saw a client on YouTube that was fairy based. And she was so happy! She was instructed to wear her bodies color. So do we as mulidemetional beings really have only one dominate color that will ground us.

    Gladys Bermudez replied 6 years, 10 months ago 7 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Suzan Smadi

    Suzan Smadi

    2018-02-07 at 7:29 PM

    Great question! I hear fairy anything and I light up like a Christmas tree! Lol ?

    I believe that it depends on the perspective that a person is looking through. Personally, I believe that it’s very individual and based on belief mostly. So, if the person believes that a certain color will be a good color to wear or incorporate then it is because the belief itself is making it so.

    In a sense, yes, we can be more aligned to a certain color because perhaps the energy of the color can help us ground or get more creative. Some people are more aligned to one color over the next and so it would work for them to play that out. After all, everything boils down to energy, and colors are energy. It could be as simple as the energies of the person and the color are working to align and blend…once the incorporation takes place, the person may want to incorporate another energy and the properties that the other color can provide.

    I say always go with whatever color feels good and then all is well! ??

  • Michael Lima

    Michael Lima

    2018-02-08 at 12:34 AM

    Master creator you are.!! This was for an individual, but could a soul group, as a group hug be one color…hmmm. Q’s just keep coming.

  • Kim Scheurer

    Kim Scheurer

    2018-02-08 at 8:21 AM

    I love tie dye! Especially because it is ALL COLORS and it is magical the way the colors decide where to place themselves! Wearing bright colors always makes me happy and living where it is winter for most of the year, most people wear dark and drab colors. I love to wear the brightest tie dye t shirt I own and wear it on a dark drab day and then be amoungst people that could use a boost in their attitude. Then I make sure that I bring my goofy antics along so that I can infuse laughter and a little silliness into our meeting.

  • Michael Lima

    Michael Lima

    2018-02-08 at 11:48 AM

    Do you know what your dominate grounding color is? But really do understand your multicolored persona! That amount of giving is life liberating. Sending an energy boost by putting an ethereal pyramid over your area. ?

  • Irina Nola

    Irina Nola

    2018-02-08 at 4:23 PM

    I do not believe we have just one color of our energy – neither physical body aura, nor our ‘pure spirit” color. I have been in the Afterlife in many sessions, and souls look like color changing lava lamps to me…I disagree with Michael Newton’s theory that soul has a color based on soul age, I have never seen purple or indigo spirit guides or archangels (highest energy colors according to Michael Newton), most of them are white and/or golden (MN does not even mention gold, and white is supposed to be the color of baby souls), Golden is the color of spiritual healing according to many channelings, so I think it just relates to function more then soul age. I encountered pink, green, blue, white, yellow, red, orange radiance in client’s Guides, and usually, they have several colors anyway. I think color mostly depends on current emotion and health for living beings, and occupation or current task for discarnate souls. Guides can project any color the client needs at the moment.

  • Candace Craw-Goldman

    Candace Craw-Goldman

    2018-02-08 at 7:33 PM

    “I disagree with Michael Newton’s theory that soul has a color based on soul age, I have never seen purple or indigo spirit guides or archangels (highest energy colors according to Michael Newton), most of them are white and/or golden”

    I’m happy to read your comment Irina. I’ve always thought these designations to be somewhat arbitrary!

  • Irina Nola

    Irina Nola

    2018-02-09 at 11:18 AM

    Archangels Michael and Raphael are exceptions though – Michael is always seen as blue and Raphael as green, even if clients were not familiar with them before and do not have a strong belief in archangels…

  • Ged Riverstone

    Ged Riverstone

    2018-02-10 at 9:46 AM

    Whilst I do have what I could call my ‘Soul Colour’ (Turquoise Green) with White for White Ray Energy (ha, for want of labels, which don’t really stick on me 😉 ) I wear whatever colour feels appropriate to me for the day. When I say appropriate, I do not mean by any kind of social setting or some such, I mean what feels like the colour I need to balance or choose to express for the day. (It cold be a colour someone else I meet may need, though of course, in resonance, would be working for my benefit too).

    Having worked with ‘Sound Medicine’ , which includes healing/energy work with Sound and Colour for many years, I really experience a great value in the importance of colours in our daily lives and to our energy fields and emotional bodies; and of course, the relationship to the Chakras. Of course, all being energy/frequency/vibration, each will find more resonance with some expressions of vibration than others, yet colour seems to me to be quite universally important, at least to some degree, to Human Beings in general. Our world is made of light, yet is also made of colour in the spectrum we so often perceive. Who does not enjoy the beauty of a wondrous sunset, the lush green of a rainforest, the Turquoise of the Sun on the Jewelled sea?

    So I would say, wear whatever colours you feel drawn to on any given day. Use them in your meditation. You soul may have a dominant colour, yet it contains all colours, and it knows best what it may enjoy or you most need to ground or balance or express at a given moment.

    I have a sense colours are going to only grow in importance to some of us ‘Energy Weavers’ in our work/play, and that soon (perhaps some are already) we may be all become weavers, painting whole new patterns and vistas and energy fields of creation with our hands for brushes on the blank new canvas of the New Earth. I wonder…we shall see what we shall see, and perhaps, what we dare to dream will be. <3

  • Michael Lima

    Michael Lima

    2018-02-10 at 12:45 PM

    Thank you for illuminating your colors here. Colors are vibrationinal. So it makes sense to have a grounding effect. Sound medicine….. could you give me direction to where information is on this modality that worked for you. Thank you.?

  • Ged Riverstone

    Ged Riverstone

    2018-02-12 at 12:50 AM

    Heya Michael,

    I’m sorry I can’t really give you much info on actual techniques. Much of it was purely intuitive or developed from different things over the years. I first started working with ‘Sound Medicine’ (per se) when a book by that name kind of jumped out at me in a book store one day. There was one chapter in particular which talked about chanting through the first five Chakras (from the root upwards to throat) with the sounds E, O, I , U and Ah, whilst focusing your breathing at those energy centres and imagining breathing Red, Orange, Gold, Green and Blue. I immediately felt called to bring it into the Sacred Sharing Circles I was running with my Soul Sister, who was Lakota/Cherokee/Seneca (yes, here in Australia. She was my friend long before we started getting prompted by spirit to run Sharing Circles and we had no idea how ‘Trendy’ the whole Native American thing had become in the ‘New Age’ World. But that’s another whole story. This was in the early 90’s).

    Of course, I had been working with sound and colour for many years already, playing music and often seeing it as colour, as well as Tibetan Vajrayana practices, which also focuses heavily on Visualisation, sound (mantra) and colour, and seeing colour in my energy healing work. But I was totally blown away at the profound effects this had on clearing/balancing whole groups of people in a very short space of time. The effects (for many at least) also seem to have been long lasting. Sometimes I would see these people many months later, and their energy fields were still rainbow, and they would report how their lives had transformed enormously (for the better), truly trusting to walk their ‘Soul Path’ ; leaving 9-5 jobs to follow their passion, and being fully supported and in abundance, whether it be as a painter, potter, healer or what have you. Similar stories from different people.

    So, other than pointing you to that technique and illustrating, from my own experience, just how effective Sound and Colour used together can be, I don’t have much to offer than to say, trust your own intuition, as always,. You will be guided to that which you need to know (or probably more likely, remember that which your soul already knows ) 🙂

    Oh one thing I feel prompted to add. The power of the Medicine Drum and ‘Stone People’ (Crystals) we worked to help ‘Earth’ people whilst re-connecting them to their soul memories cannot be overlooked in this. As well of course as the willingness and Openness (and humility) of the people themselves. Really, they called forth the Medicine, my Sister and I were really just conduits for this to occur, and simply offered some tools for transformation that we found had worked for us, in the hope they may be of benefit to others. I guess that is just what us Weavers do, what all Human Beings do, naturally, when they are simply ‘Being’ Human. We share what we have to offer that may be of use, for all of our relations. <3

  • Candace Craw-Goldman

    Candace Craw-Goldman

    2018-02-12 at 6:34 AM

    Thank you @Ged_Riverstone, you embody already, the spirit of BQH- in so much of what you do, it is always helpful however, for people to read what that is like… for others. What has happened with them, how they follow that inner guidance and some of the ways it has manifested. So reading these musings and thoughts from you is a wonderful thing.

  • Gladys Bermudez

    Gladys Bermudez

    2018-02-15 at 3:07 AM

    I recently did a session where the client was told that one of her gifts is to be able to identify where healing is needed by seeing color in that area of the body and that she would be able to recommend foods to eat with that color and to recommend that they also wear that color during time they were been healed.

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