The SC and Car Alarm Session Story (A repost from another category)
The SC and Car Alarm Session Story (A repost from another category)
The following is from a story originally posted in September 2015. I told this story in a recent BQH Webinar.
Hello Forum Family!
I just got home from a long session, it was F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. in so many ways, with great healing (sopping wet sheets from a gal who was really cold in the interview) surrogate healing sent and a multitude of answered questions.
During a moment when the woman was standing before God holding her husband’s arms and asking many questions about why they incarnated as humans and what their contract was…a car alarm went off directly in front of my office.
It was very loud. And persistant. The client stopped talking and said, “Stop that alarm.” Then, “Is that my car?” I reassured her and myself that these things happen for a reason and I was willing to guess that the reason was positive! I told her to continue with the scene… allow more information to come to her while I left to check out what was happening outside.
Now, in my early days of practice, this might have really thrown me, might have made me nervous, worried for the client, wondering if the session was ruined, etc. Now I stay calm and smile and do what I wrote above…I have learned to think about these things as GIFTS – and I was right!
I went outside and soon a woman opened a window above my office and peered out. There are living apartments above me. I asked if she knew whose truck it was that was making such a racket. (And for no obvious reason, it was between two cars that had been still for hours) She said, yes, it was her neighbor, she told me the number of the apartment. (As if I might go and knock on his door.) I said, “I have a client in trance, I am not leaving her, would you mind doing that for me?” I could tell even from that distance she was not very keen on the idea.
“He’s not very nice,” She said, “Not nice at all.”
By that time the battery was dying on the truck and I went inside to my client. The only thing I said was, “not to worry, it was not your car.” We picked up where we left off but I wondered about what the woman said about the man. Then I remembered and found myself recalling a certain individual…I remember watching him move in one day. I gave him a peace plant as a housewarming gift. He looked like he needed peace.
Anyway, quite a bit later, during the SC portion of the session I asked about the car alarm and if it had anything at all to do with the session. The SC said that the energy that was happening at that part of the session with God Himself was so huge, so powerful and so pure that the entire building and parking lot was affected. It said that the man who owned the truck was a very low vibrating individual and that the mismatch of electrical energies is what caused the alarm in HIS truck to go off.
The client of course had no knowledge of any of the details of the “man” his “demeanor” nor that the vehicle was “a truck” and no memory of that portion of the SC information given.
My client practically skipped out she was so happy with the session.
I am thinking the man upstairs might be getting some bonuses with his apartment rent!
Thanks for reading!
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