NEWBIES- Watch a great example of a BQH Session!
NEWBIES- Watch a great example of a BQH Session!
So what actually is a BQH session? I maintain it can be many and varied things, but here is a classic example. It is based upon a very simple formula-
Relax the client, assist them in having an experience, speak to their Higher Self.
This BQH session is actually public as well. Member @Allison_Coe facilitates a BQH session ONLINE on @Lauren_Hanson and I get to ask questions and talk to them both.
As I post this video again for you all I notice it has 777 views. 🙂
*Pardon the less than stellar rural Kansas and rural South Carolina internet speed during the group interview. The session video itself is high quality!*
Time Stamps for easier navigation:
The hypnosis begins at time mark 13:33
Higher Self/original source energy: 57:25:00
Hybridization program: 1:15:00
Light language: 1:11:00
Sacred sexual: 1:28:45
Disclosure: 1:40:26
Post discussion: 1:45:55First we meet a tiny and magical Hobbit being who time travels and has an invisibility cloak.
Then the information from Lauren’s Higher Self comes forth. Are you interested in Light Language? Listen in and find out if you too, might speak or write it in the future. Sacred Sexuality – its not quite what you might think it is, and Lauren is able to relay information about the ET/Hybrid Children program happening here on our planet.
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