INVITATION- Group Regression Webinar for BQH'ers -March 14

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    Gina Johnson

    2018-03-14 at 3:40 PM

    Oh dearest Candace, absolutely I agree with whomever said there’s no need to apologize. We are so grateful for you and I’m so so happy you are taking care of you! I hope you can take time for you to rest.

    I was so happy to join in for the first 10 min this morning, but with it being 7am here in Oregon, I sadly had to leave the meeting to take my children to school. I am super excited for when this becomes available to go through later. Thank you again for all that you do Candace and thanks to all of you amazing beings in this group!! So happy to be on this journey with all of you!

  • Annabelle Le Dieu

    Annabelle Le Dieu

    2018-03-14 at 6:11 PM

    I am so looking forward to the video – apologies I missed it, I’ve had a sick 8 year old in my bed all week – staying awake to 1am was impossible at 9.30!

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