How to ask Questions in a BQH session… 12 question prompts

  • How to ask Questions in a BQH session… 12 question prompts

    Posted by Candace Craw-Goldman on 2018-04-08 at 8:54 AM
    So you’ve watched some videos and listened to some audios of sessions, and still you wonder, how do you ask questions? How do you know which questions to ask?

    The basic idea is… think about what is going on in front of you as a movie and you simply need to know what is going on– what is this story, this movie about? You cannot see or hear the movie, only your client can. So you are asking someone who is watching a movie what is going on around them, what are they feeling, sensing, experiencing? And if the client doesn’t offer these details you can and should ask.

    Here is a terrific guide and 12 question prompt- a perfect page to put in your notebook.

    When you start practicing you will likely go blank (What do I ask NOW?) If you keep the following nearby you can use this list of prompts to keep the information moving.

    General Information (the 3 W’s):

    1) WHAT

    2) WHERE

    3) WHEN

    Adding details to the above The 4 S’s

    4) SIZE

    5) SHAPE

    6) SOUND

    7) SMELLS

    More details (the 2 C’s):

    8) COLOR


    Additional details

    10) MOOD

    11) ACTION

    12) NUMBER

    Obviously sometimes some of these these won’t apply to your particular session.

    I’d like to add that my favorite personal almost always works question to use in almost any session is the following.

    “What happens next?”

    Rebekah Bovey replied 6 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Edgar Reyes

    Edgar Reyes

    2018-04-08 at 9:02 AM

    Thanks. Many blessings to you and your loved ones!

  • Rebekah Bovey

    Rebekah Bovey

    2018-04-08 at 9:36 AM

    Yes, “what happens next?” is a great question. Thank you 🙂

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