Entering the Home Stretch…Final Week of BQH BETA testing ahead

  • Entering the Home Stretch…Final Week of BQH BETA testing ahead

    Posted by [email protected] on 2018-05-28 at 11:58 AM
    Hi all you amazing testers,
    We’re entering the home stretch on BQH Beta testing with a week left to go. Action has already been taken on many of your comments and on fixing the obvious typo and grammar errors. We’ve also been moving the documents to a more professional template and doing other clean-up activities while we wait for this very important testing period to wrap up.
    About 10% of you are completely finished which is awesome. Another 50% of you are in varying stages of completion so this final week should see a lot of you finish and there is still plenty of time for those who are just getting started to get their comments in as well.
    Remember for all of you who complete each survey and provide meaningful help and suggestions (in other words, don’t just say everything is “fine”), when the class becomes “live” your formal registration will be complimentary.
    Thanks again to you all and especially to those who’ve taken the time to offer your valuable comments and insights.
    Candace Craw-Goldman replied 6 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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