BQH Induction Video
I used this script today for session #2 with a friend who was my second-ever QHHT practice client. I had set a keyword in the first session, but welcomed the opportunity to try something different too.
I loved the script. Got tingles when we drank the water. I inserted the keyword as per Dolores after the “Heart and Mind Coherence” section, then read the “BQH Induction” part of the script. And she found herself in a gorgeous higher-dimensional place with her soul group … and it went on and on from there, with deep healings, entity releases, energy transformations, huge release of pain from a past life, channelling of an Ascended Master, and all questions answered. One of the best.
At the end, I enjoyed the “permission” to dispense with the numbered countout and let the return back to everyday awareness happen in its own time. First though, I expressed gratitude to all the beings who had participated, including entities who had gone to the light, and reinforced some of the results with suggestions.
It was a great session. I’m sure it would have been a good session anyway, but this script felt magical, and definitely appropriate for this particular client. I felt very connected. I can say that I would have felt connected anyway having spent all day Sunday in a small healing circle that she leads, but the script helped, I think.
Note: My friend is an experienced energy healer, and when it came time to cover the water with the right hand, she switched to her left hand, saying that her magnetics are reversed from the usual and she receives energy with her right and puts it out with her left. And she would know. She is left-handed, but I wouldn’t assume for a minute that all left-handers are the same.
For someone less experienced with altered states of awareness than she is, I might be more inclined to count them out, but I’m not sure about that.
Thank you Candace!
I used the BQH script today with an in person session and LOVED it! My subject was in a PL before I could even finish! As Heather Holm stated above, It was MAGICAL! My subject had her whole soul group around her the entire time! They expressed the deep love they had for her many times, she really needed that! Thank you so much for this!
The only thing is that she didn’t seem very oriented back when I brought her out. I kind of wished I counted her out, and I offered to have her lay back down so I could do so, but she stated she liked it and didn’t want me to change it hahaha. She is very connected in general, but it’s still all kind of new for her. So I may count out too with newbs or those who are not used to this stuff.
As Lilah Moriarty mentioned above about herself, my subject experienced nausea after and still had it when I left her. I hope it will clear up soon. But this was her first session and I know people tend to have after effects afterwards, especially their first time.
Anyway, my subject was overall really happy with everything, even though she is feeling some of the after effects.
Thank you again! So incredibly grateful!!❤❤
Hi @Candace_CrawGoldman. So, the very morning I watched the video and downloaded the script to put in my “bag of tricks”, my own guidance kept telling me during my client session pre-talk that morning to “use the script…use this one for sure!” Trusting this, I used the script and wow! I realized almost as soon as I was through the first part of the hand-to-heart section that the reason “they” wanted me to use this script was to connect heart and mind for this client, as she had been on OCD meds for many years and had lost the connection. I noticed within that simple exercise that her breathing changed from chest to stomach, so she was super relaxed very quickly into the introduction.
A bit nervous that I hadn’t done the usual “see the red bird” part or beautiful place, I was unsure as to whether or not she was “seeing” or sensing anything when I asked her for first impressions of the new place. But she immediately began describing the interior of a victorian era home and described it in such detail that I knew within 2-3 minutes which “time” she was visiting.I did utilize Dolores’ method of taking her through important events and she would just leap-frog right to the day, but would only see one scene of the story and no details. At the end of that lifetime, I told her she could now visit many places, be it in the spiritual realm or another life. She chose another lifetime, and just went straight to it. It was great! Finally, I used a bit of a different method of asking her HS to come in. I told her that now that she was out of that body (from the 2nd PL), she would now merge into her Highest Essence and be immediately aligned with the “library” that holds all knowledge about her. Then asked if I could ask questions, and we were off and running.The client said afterward that she was totally aware during the entire experience and it was as if she were just reading me a story. However, she also said she thought she’d only been lying there about 30-40 minutes (it was almost 2 hours). Later that evening, she sent me an email thanking me for the session and said she still couldn’t believe what came through and that she was really trying to wrap her head around it.Thank you, Candace! Just…thank you! This is awesome! -
Thanks @Catherine_Wyatt! I appreciate your post as I had felt ‘clunky’ engaging the SC using BQH script. I LOVE the new script and feel like the client goes so beautifully in PL. I will create a script to use for now to invite in the SC/HS, thank you for sharing your experience.
Thank you so much @Candace_CrawGoldman!!! This was the best video induction that I have ever seen. Perfect video quality and crystal clear sound! I felt compelled to lay down and go into trance while listening. In fact, I’m going to do that again after I’m finished with the forum! I so appreciate all that you do and all that you are sharing with us. You are truly a golden angel o:) <3
So appreciative Candace for all of this~! So expansive and loving~ On to the next video! May you be blessed a million fold for all you do for us~
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