ALL BQH Videos in One Place.

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    [email protected]

    2018-03-11 at 3:04 AM

    Candace CrawGoldman I know! I’m hunting them all down. I’m patient, I’ll get to them all. Speaking of books, here’s some of my favorites:

    My favorite authors:

    Richard Bach, Neale Donald
    Walsch, Mary Summer Rain, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Ariel Tomioka,
    Carlos Castaneda, Hank Wesselman, Amorah Quan Yin, Jane Roberts (of
    course!), Robert Monroe, Dan Millman, Ken Carey, James Redfield,
    Deepak Chopra MD, David Wilcock . . . Note: These authors are the
    ones I’ve read almost everything they wrote and in some cases I’ve
    read everything they’ve written


    Vibrational Medicine
    by Richard Gerber MD

    Love, Medicine, and
    by Bernie Siegell MD

    This is SO not a complete

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    [email protected]

    2018-03-11 at 3:08 AM

    Oops! I don’t know how that just happened twice . . .

  • Sam Boomer

    Sam Boomer

    2018-03-11 at 6:42 AM

    Should the BQH video on Hypnosis be uploaded yet Candace? I see the agenda and feedback links, but not the link to the video itself.

  • Candace Craw-Goldman

    Candace Craw-Goldman

    2018-03-11 at 7:27 AM

    Hello @Samuel_Boomer I am at the mercy of a slow rural Kansas internet and a full to-do list. I hope it will be available soon!

  • Theresia Winkler

    Theresia Winkler

    2018-03-11 at 11:18 AM

    @Candace_CrawGoldman thank you for the classes! Catching up on them right now. Just wanted to let you know that the password for video 5 (Books) is missing an “s” at the end (should be “Booksbooksbooks” instead of “Booksbooksbook”). I could’t get to the video when I copied and pasted the password, but figured it out 🙂 Thank you for all your work! Hope you are feeling better from the flu.

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    Sharon Collins

    2018-03-11 at 1:59 PM

    Hi Candace. I also devoured Five Live Remembered and am part way through The Three Onlies. Life changing to say the least. I had a question from the previous session. What exactly is “Leaving the Cloud”? You referred to It during the mock session. Also, I am sorry you are feeling poorly. Apparently that feeling is making the rounds. Looking forward to the Hypnosis webinar.

  • Candace Craw-Goldman

    Candace Craw-Goldman

    2018-03-11 at 8:15 PM

    Hi @Sharon_Collins!

    Most of us have training with Dolores Cannon, whose classic induction that takes the client into an experience uses a cloud to float them there. The cloud is nice but not really unique or special in any way. One can use a staircase, a magic carpet, a pathway into the woods, etc.

    If you read any more of Dolores Cannon’s books you will likely read her mention the cloud as well.

    So “leaving the cloud” is basically the client just entering their experience after the induction. So it could equally be “the magic carpet landed”, etc…..

    I am feeling better, thank you!


    So happy you are still with us Sharon. 🙂


  • Ged Riverstone

    Ged Riverstone

    2018-03-14 at 8:58 AM

    Heya Candace,

    I am a little late registering, but I am hoping to still get in for the Group Session. It’s late here but I am wide awake. Oh Just got the email and the link, so see you all in the Zoom Room. Yay! 🙂

  • Dorothee Amelung

    Dorothee Amelung

    2018-03-16 at 11:43 AM

    Hi everyone,
    unfortunately, I could not make it live to the group regression session although I would have loved to, to find out more about the event, and just to see what comes up 🙂 (I already worked with the group regression you already shared, Candace, once on myself, and in only about 15 min I got a superinteresting insight about myself :o…powerful stuff! So I was just wondering whether this session will be posted here (as it might have been more of a “work session” rather than a “teaching/presenting” session, it might have been decided not to post it publicly for those who could not make it? And if so, I would love to hear (if anybody feels happy to share of course) about any experiences you guys might have had. <3
    Lots of love, light, and event excitement 😉

  • Edward Zotara

    Edward Zotara

    2018-03-16 at 4:02 PM

    Yay I just finished the last video to date what a view. A lot was kind of a review for me and a lot was new I cant wait for the next class thank you so much Candace. Gratitude and Blessings to you

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    Gina Johnson

    2018-03-16 at 6:59 PM

    Has anyone been able to find the recording of the Group Regression Webinar from Wednesday March 15th? Maybe Candace hasn’t had a chance to post it with not feeling well? Or maybe I am missing it somewhere? If someone has found it, could you let me know?
    I am really really looking forward to it. 🙂

  • Candace Craw-Goldman

    Candace Craw-Goldman

    2018-03-16 at 7:05 PM

    Hi Gina and all…I’m traveling and the video is being uploaded at this moment- just got access to Internet.

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    Gina Johnson

    2018-03-17 at 3:49 PM

    Thank you so much Candace!! Definitely not wanting to put out any pressure on you! Much love and have a wonderful time with Pamela and Stephen Hawking!

  • Michael Lima

    Michael Lima

    2018-03-17 at 4:02 PM

    What is the password, seashoretostarship doesn’t work.

  • Candace Craw-Goldman

    Candace Craw-Goldman

    2018-03-17 at 4:28 PM

    @Michael_Lima try this sorry- and thanks for pointing out my typo


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